50+ Pizzas Delivered to Hospital Staff

Vancouver, B.C. – Doctors and nurses at five Lower Mainland hospitals recently received a delicious surprise: Corwin Kwan personally delivered more than 50 extra large pizzas. After a year and a half of the pandemic, this REALTOR® from Sutton - Centre Realty wanted to show his appreciation for the ongoing efforts of overworked healthcare professionals. The reactions are heartwarming.

Samantha from St. Paul’s hospital made this post on Facebook: “Big shout out to Corwin Kwan and Yvonne Kwan for dropping off 12 pizzas to the critical care staff at St. Paul’s last night!!!!! Day shift and night shift definitely enjoyed the lovely meal! (heart emojis).”

Corwin felt compelled to do something. “They are helping people fighting for their lives who are suffering from Covid-19. I can’t imagine what they have to go through daily by risking their own lives, and sacrificing their family time with their partners, parents, and children. By giving back to the community with this little treat, it might bring some hope and joy.”

Corwin and his wife delivered pizzas to Vancouver General Hospital, Richmond General Hospital, St Paul's Hospital, Royal Columbia Hospital, and Lions Gate Hospital on September 30 and October 1, 2021.

Every act of kindness matters. Businesses can offer discounts and individuals can contribute their time by volunteering, donating, or regifting bonus points.

Corwin has volunteered with St. John Ambulance (SJA) for 28 years providing First Aid care at community events. He also helped to establish a temporary a field hospital at the Vancouver Convention Centre and was trained to assist the medical staff.

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Sutton Group Realty Services Ltd. Contact:

Brooke Matthews

Sutton - Centre Realty Contact:

Corwin Kwan


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